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Автор Тема: Проблем със захранването на ресивър Ямаха  (Прочетена 3159 пъти)

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Неактивен didov

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Re: Проблем със захранването на ресивър Ямаха
« Отговор #15 -: 16 Май, 2017, 20:11:22 »
Това напрежение от -14.8V е добре. Не се занимавай повече с усилвателя, остави го така. Изчислено, токът ти през ценер диода е 3.6ma. Не е голямо натоварването му.

Неактивен Петър Драганов

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Re: Проблем със захранването на ресивър Ямаха
« Отговор #16 -: 16 Май, 2017, 21:09:33 »
Благодаря. Приключих. Споделям информация, която ми я сподели мой приятел, за бъдещите, които се занимават със сходен проблем. Проблемът при този човек е бил сходен, само където е нямал моя късмет. Съжалявам че е на английйски, но лично аз не мога да го преведа никак добре.

''The major problem in this units and also on RX 497 is the stand by pcb main1.
The FET Q133 the bridge the 2 zener D109/110 or the protection have problem.
Play around and will see''

''Thanks pmetech for the answer: I'm telling you that the amplifier is working OK now. The problem was first in the source the + 15 / -15VDC, (the +15 dropped to + 7VDC), so I thought the short was on this line, then followed this path and lift all loads, but the source followed Low then check the source and found D 109 (zener of 15,8V) in short and Q133 (fet) with losses, after replacing them the source of + 15 normalized, connecting everything again I discovered that the +15 were dropped again . No doubt the short was in some component connected to this line, I checando one to one connected all there I found IC 102 (LC78211 key electronic ) short and IC101 (NJM2068LD dual low noise operational) also lost. Replaced these components the amplifiacador started without problems. It is only necessary to test the AM / FM tuner module which does not work, but if we remember that a lightning bolt was dropped on this amplifier, it would not be unusual for this module to have a short component. All tests performed above I did without this module connected to limit the problem of the short, today I will perform the test with the module connected.
                  Thanks and regards Sergio. The link for this topic is: http://www.dtforum.info/index.php?topic=41179.0 Replaced these components the amplifiacador started without problems. It only remains to test the AM / FM tuner module which does not work, but if we remember that a lightning bolt fell to this amplifier, it would not be uncommon for this module to have any short component. All tests performed above I did without this module connected to limit the problem of the short, today I will perform the test with the module connected. Thanks and regards Sergio. The link for this topic is: http://www.dtforum.info/index.php?topic=41179.0 Replaced these components the amplifiacador started without problems. It is only necessary to test the AM / FM tuner module which does not work, but if we remember that a lightning bolt was dropped on this amplifier, it would not be unusual for this module to have a short component. All tests performed above I did without this module connected to limit the problem of the short, today I will perform the test with the module connected. Thanks and regards Sergio. The link for this topic is: http://www.dtforum.info/index.php?topic=41179.0 It would not be unusual for this module to have any shorted components. All tests performed above I did without this module connected to limit the problem of the short, today I will perform the test with the module connected. Thanks and regards Sergio. The link for this topic is: http://www.dtforum.info/index.php?topic=41179.0 It would not be unusual for this module to have any shorted components. All tests performed above I did without this module connected to limit the problem of the short, today I will perform the test with the module connected. Thanks and regards Sergio. ''
JVC AX-1100 I love u



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